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Giving Back with Our Hearts to Your Soles

We hope as we get closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas you're taking a moment to think of those not as fortunate as you may be. It's easy during the holiday season to get caught up in the food, shopping and presents. While there's nothing wrong with any of those things, we believe the holidays are also a great time to think of your fellow man. After food and shelter, clothes and shoes are among the most helpful things someone in a tough spot could use. As a shoe store, we are well aware of how important a good pair of shoes can be. It's for this reason we like to take the opportunity to donate our time to support Our Hearts to Your Soles.

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Our Heart to Your Soles Shoe Fitting

What is Our Hearts to Your Soles?

Our Hearts to Your Soles is an annual national event that provides socks, shoes, foot exams, hygiene kits, and more to homeless and very low-income individuals. Volunteers unload shipments of shoes donated by Soles4Souls and Red Wing Shoes and organize them by size. Each patient sees a physician who examines their feet and trims callouses and toenails. Patients are then seen by a pedorthist or volunteer who measures their feet and fits them with a new pair of shoes and socks.

Why is Our Hearts to Your Soles Important?

This event matters because shoes and foot care are important tasks to take care of. When Our Hearts to Your Soles first started, they were able to size about 50 homeless men at their first event. Some of those men walked in wearing a size 9 but needed a size 12 shoe. Wearing shoes the wrong size can deform your foot and cause ailments that include hammertoes, corns, and calluses. Giving someone a good pair of shoes is a great first step to helping them get back on their feet, metaphorically and physically.

Our Heart to Your Soles Red Wing Shoes

How Can You Help?

Donations are always a great way to help. As a non-profit organization, Our Hearts to Your Soles uses financial donations to cover the cost of shipping shoes and socks to each of their sites across the country. This leaves very little overhead and gives Our Hearts to Your Soles the ability to give almost 100% of the donations directly to the homeless. A donation of less than $20 can give someone in need a foot exam and a new pair of socks and shoes.

If you're local to Jacksonville, the Jacksonville Orthopedic Institute will be hosting the Our Hearts to Your Soles event. The event takes place on Saturday, November 19th, from 8:30 am to 11:30 am. This will be JOI's 11th year participating and providing screenings. It is our privilege to have one of our certified pedorthists in attendance to volunteer for the event.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I donate a pair of barely worn shoes?

Our Heart to Your Soles doesn't take second-hand shoes. They want to treat each person with dignity and respect and want the less fortunate to have new shoes.

Where Can I Donate?

Visit Our Hearts to Your Soles' donation page on their website. No donations are too small.

Is there a Our Hearts to Your Soles event near me that I can volunteer at?

Events are held in over 35 states though out the months of November and December. Our Hearts to Your Soles has a list of all the events on their website.

For more information contact Jacksonville Orthopedic Institute .


Donating your time and money during the holidays may seem like an extra expense ,but hopefully, you see it as a way to help others. There are plenty of people who need a little extra help and it only takes a few moments to make someone's day. "The mission of Our Hearts to Your Soles is to provide the less fortunate across the United States with shoes and free foot examinations."

We agree with that mission and hope you'll join us in donating to their cause today.


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